bus companies from Hanoi to Cao Bang (+Ban Gioc): Khanh Hoan, Thanh Ly….travel by nigth bus from Hanoi to Ban Gioc Waterfall takes about 12 hours.travel by sleeper tourist bus from Hanoi to Cao Bang takes about 8-10 hours.You can search and book bus tickets or taxi/minivan from Hanoi to Cao Bang + Ban Gioc Waterfall easily online.ġ.
The last way how to get to Cao Bang from Hanoi is to travel on motorbike, but this option is only for the most experienced drivers. From Lang Son to Cao Bang you can travel by bus, there is no train to Cao Bang town. Lang Son has the closest railway station to Cao Bang town, about 125 km is travel distance. You can also travel by train+bus but only via Lang Son. Travel time by private taxi/minivan from Hanoi to Ban Gioc Waterfall is about 10 hours and it costs about $198-275/car.

Another way is to travel by private taxi/van to Ban Gioc Waterfall from Hanoi or Noi Bai International Aiprort. Bus tickets from Hanoi to Cao Bang start already at $8-11/pp. There is also a sleeper bus from Hanoi to Ban Gioc Waterfall. Travel by sleeper tourist bus from Hanoi to Cao Bang takes about 8-10 hours and buses depart from My Dinh Bus Station and arrive to Cao Bang Bus Station (M6J2+5X Khau Sả, Đề Thám). The most popular and best way how to reach Cao Bang and Ban Gioc Waterfall is to travel by sleeper bus or private minivan.